Flange Terminations

Application Note
Application Note
Mounting of High Power Flange Devices
Application Note
Thermal Resistivity Table Simplifies Temperature Calculations
Corporate Solutions Guide
Healthcare Line Card
Design Guide
Design Guide
Flange Termination & Resistor Guide
Design Guide
Powerfilm Physical Options

About SMT Flange Terminations

Spectrum Control offers a wide selection of Powerfilm™ brand surface mount flange terminations. These high-power resistive components are designed to safely dissipate power in RF circuits even under maximum power conditions.

SMT flange terminations are often used in isolators, Wilkinson power dividers, or to terminate 3 dB stripline or microstrip hybrids. Powerfilm flange terminations with standard values of 50 and 100 ohm are available for frequencies up to 7 GHz and power levels up to 1250 Watts average. Flange sizes vary from 0.3”x 0.2" to 1.9”x 1.0". Other designs are available upon request.