Chip Terminations

Application Note
Application Note
Thermal Resistivity Table Simplifies Temperature Calculations
Corporate Solutions Guide
Healthcare Line Card
Design Guide
Design Guide
Chip Resistor & Termination Selection Guide
Design Guide
Powerfilm Physical Options
Success Story
Success Story
High Frequency Powerfilm Resistives for LEO Applications

About SMT Chip Terminations

Spectrum Control offers a wide selection of Powerfilm brand chip terminations. These surface-mount resistive components allow for RF power dissipation in terminations and isolators. Depending on desired specifications, chips are fabricated on BeO, Aluminum Nitride, or Alumina ceramics with either thin or thick resistors.

Powerfilm chip terminations with standard values of 50 and 100 ohm are available in wide selection of sizes and with various solder, silver, or gold finish options. Other designs, values and options may be available upon request.