Flange Resistors

High performance, high power surface mount resistors from our Powerfilm brand designed for bolt-on installation.

Application Note
Application Note
Mounting of High Power Flange Devices
Application Note
Thermal Resistivity Table Simplifies Temperature Calculations
Corporate Solutions Guide
Healthcare Line Card
Design Guide
Design Guide
Flange Termination & Resistor Guide
Design Guide
Powerfilm Physical Options
Success Story
Success Story
Powerfilm Resistors For Medical Equipment

About Flange SMT Resistors

Powerfilm™ flange SMT resistors are used in power generators, attenuators, or stripline and microstrip hybrids. Resistance values from 5 to 300 ohms and tolerances from 1% to 5% are available for frequencies up to 4 GHz and power levels up to 800 Watts.

Flange sizes vary from 0.3”x0.2" to 1.9”x1.0". Other designs are available upon request.