RF Filter Solutions

We primarily focus on large programs and therefore our RF filter solutions are custom-designed to meet your requirements.  You can send your requirements to a member of our sales team, or you can use our Specify a Filter tool to submit your requirements.  Our engineering team will work with you to provide the right filter topology supported by simulation data. The products listed below represent the wide variety of filter topologies we can employ.


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Bandpass filters


Lowpass filters


Band reject filters


Highpass filters

Creative layouts

Utilizing sophisticated software such as Sonnet EM Simulator and SolidWorks, creative layouts can be realized to optimize package size and electrical performance.

Innovative designs

To optimize rejection and minimize loss, Spectrum Control engineers blend multiple topologies into a single small housing.

High power strategies

Careful analysis of current densities and heat dissipation allow for higher power handling and smaller package size.

Diplexers, triplexers, multiplexers

Lowpass, Highpass and Bandpass filters can be combined to form our state-of-the-art Diplexers, Triplexers and Multiplexers. Spectrum Control utilizes Suspended Substrate, Lumped Element, Ceramic, Waveguide, and Cavity filters in our Multiplexer (MUX) designs.

3D Glass Filters

  • Family of filters with standard and derivative products, 500 MHz to 10 GHz
  • 2.6 x 5.4 mm BGA package
  • Standalone filters or IMA building blocks to increase package density and improved SWAP-C
  • Wafer-scale, 3D glass manufacturing process
  • Stable over temperature ranges from -55° C to 125° C
  • Ideal for electronic warfare, radar, UAV, navigation, communications, and surveillance

Glass-Filter-3 (1).png

Printed Filters



Cavity Filters

  • 400 MHz to 40 GHz with low insertion loss
  • High selectivity Chebyshev and pole-placed
  • Temperature stable options
  • High power handling capability
  • 0.1 to +60% bandwidth
  • Low profle and drop-in designs to 20 GHz
  • Low intermodulation products
  • Bandpass, band reject, diplexers, triplexer, multiplexer configurations


Lumped Element Filters

  • 300 kHz to 10 GHz
  • Smallest and lightest filter
  • Versatile topologies and transfer functions
  • Ideal for moderate to very wide bandwidths
  • Connectorized or surface mount
  • Easily multiplexed
  • Temperature stable and RoHS options
  • Bandpass, lowpass, highpass, band reject, diplexer, triplexer, multiplexer configurations



Tubular Filters

  • 30 MHz to 5 GHz
  • Broad stopbands ideal for harmonic rejection
  • Moderate bandwidths (2 to 50%)
  • Chebyshev transfer functions
  • High power handling capability and tubular designs to 5000 watts
  • Low loss and high ultimate rejection
  • Consistent unit to unit performance utilizing precision centerless ground stock
  • High shock rugged mounting options
  • Lowpass or bandpass configurations



Suspended Substrate Filters

  • 2 to 40 GHz
  • Ideal for broadband multiplexing
  • Chebyshev and elliptic response
  • Well suited for high shock and vibration applications
  • Highly repeatable (ideal for matched filters)
  • Broadband receivers
  • Easily integrated with other components
  • Bandpass, lowpass, highpass, band reject, diplexer, triplexer, multiplexer configurations



Ceramic Filters

  • Frequency range - 400 MHz to 6 GHz
  • Bandwidths - 1 to 10%
  • 2 to 6+ sections, custom packages available
  • Low cost, small size, good insertion loss relative to size
  • Surface mount
  • Open frame or sealed for hi-rel
  • Typical applications are: GPS, ISM, WLAN, IFF, ManPack
  • Bandpass, highpass, diplexer, triplexer, multiplexer configurations



Waveguide Filters

  • 2 to 40 GHz
  • Bandwidths 0.1 to 10%
  • Extremely low insertion loss
  • High power handling
  • RX/TX waveguide diplexers in custom configurations
  • Waveguide flanges are standard
  • SMA, TNC, or N-type connectors available
  • Integral heat sink
  • Bandpass, band reject, diplexer, triplexer, multiplexer configurations
