Design Resources

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Resources for engineers designing with Powerfilm brand surface mount resistives.

Visual product selection guides

Powerfilm chip attenuator visual selection guide - thumb.png

Select chip attenuator models by frequency and power handling

Powerfilm flange attenuator visual selection guide - thumb.png

Select flange attenuator models by frequency and power handling

Powerfile chip resistor and termination visual selection guide - thumb.png

Select chip resistors and terminations by frequency and power handling

Powerfilm flange termination and resistor visual tab options - thumb.png

Select flange terminations and resistors by frequency and power handling

Powerfilm options - substrate - terminals - wrap styles - thumb.png

Physical options: substrate, terminal, resistor & termination wrap styles

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Product pages

We design and manufacture a broad range of resistive devices for board-level applications using thin- and thick-film technology. These are enhanced to provide reliable performance in a wide range of frequencies.

Visit the pages below for detailed information on each product family.


Chip, Flange & Pill Attenuators

Powerfilm™ chip and flange attenuators. Standard- and temperature-variable.

Chip, Flange & Pill Terminations

Powerfilm™ surface mount terminations. Chip, flange and pill style. 


Chip, Flange & Rod Resistors

Surface mount chip and flange resistors; carbon and thin film rod resistors, 

S-Parameter Data and Circuit Models

These measurement-based models, available for selected PowerFilm™ devices, are for use with microstrip applications. The models account for printed circuit board related parasitic effects and are substrate scalable, in that substrate height, dielectric constant, loss tangent, and solder pad terminal dimensions are input parameters. Each attenuator series model is dB value scalable and the resistor models are available for a variety of ohm values.

Each model includes complete documentation detailing the test fixtures used, measurement conditions, range of validity, and model-to-measurement data comparisons.

S-Parameter Data and Circuit Models